About Us

Welcome to Eat Drink Travel Group !

I started the “Eat Drink Travel Group” to bring together people who always wanted to travel, but either thought it was too expensive or didn’t have anyone to go with. We offer low down payments or flexible travel payments to make your journeys enjoyable and affordable. It is no longer a problem if none of your family members or friends aren’t able to travel with you. You can fly with us and never be alone because our travel group members will be there at every stage to guide and support you. Basically, you get a chance to meet and connect with new people and still enjoy your “me time.”

We travel to all the well-known tourist spots in the countries we visit, but we also explore lesser-known areas that are popular with the locals to get a real sense of the culture and the people who live there. In fact, because we believe in giving back, our tours are carried out by local people everywhere we go, which contributes even more to the local economies. With your enjoyment, convenience and safety in mind, we meticulously plan all the activities, including tours, airport shuttle pick-up, and hotel accommodations. All our customers need to do is to book their trips at eat drink travel group and join us.

Our group’s best adventures strike a perfect balance between planned and unplanned activities, such as camping, fishing, etc.,depending on the time and place. Although we must stick to an itinerary, there are always opportunities to make the journey even more exciting with happy diversions that arise unexpectedly.

Our groups are small enough to give you the feeling that you’re visiting our destinations as an individual, but big enough to create a good social vibe. Group size can vary depending on where we go and how we are traveling, but is around 12 people on average. We have found this to be the perfect number because it allows you to connect with other group members and others, without feeling like you’re just another face in the crowd. Toward that goal, a cultural experience is also added to each of our trips.

In essence, the Eat Drink Travel Group is a family of friends who share the common interests of cultivating new relationships and seeking out amazing, unique travel experiences, whether locally or internationally. As a member of the Eat Drink Travel Group, you will be able to communicate with a diverse group of travelers who are eager to share trip reviews, travel hacks, and awe-inspiring images with you.

Eat Drink Travel Group’s team consists of experienced travel professionals who are committed to arranging premium travel experiences at an affordable price. This is just one of the many reasons we are the largest and fastest-growing group of seasoned travelers.Whether you’ve crossed all seven continents or never left your home country, all are welcome to join our group. We are all considered equal here, and we can all learn from each other.

We believe that we serve a greater purpose, as individuals and as a group. What we seek to experience during our travels –exploration, wonder, appreciation of nature’s beauty, relaxation, peace of mind, and deep communion with others– are also what we bring to the places we visit, and give to everyone we encounter. Our goal is greater than just collecting photographs, though that also has its place – we strive to cleanse and rejuvenate the mind, heart and soul, so we can return to “real life” with renewed passion and purpose, Not only will you not regret your decision to travel with the Eat Drink Travel Group, it may be one of the most beneficial choices you ever make.

Every Eat Drink Travel Group guest is a VIP. You will have full access to experienced group leaders, local English-speaking guides, and professional driverswhose job it is to make sure you achieve our group’s ultimate goals –having amazing adventures, and creating new memories and lasting friendships with like-minded travelers. Members encourage each other to experience the sheer thrill and magic of travel, with the added benefit of helpful tips about how to travel in unique style.

Join us now and let us show you the world!

Our Mission  

Our mission is to offer travel destinations and events that many – even the well-traveled wayfarers who make up a large part of our community – would not imagine on their own. Eat Drink Travel Group members love our adventures and often return to scratch more exotic destinations and experiences off their bucket list. The insights gained and shared from travel are invaluable. We look forward to having you in our group and enjoying high adventure in “faraway places with strange-sounding names” together.

Why Choose Eat Drink Travel Group?

We deliver well-planned travel experiences that include a unique mixture of activities and leisure time. Our professional guides ensure an enjoyable, carefree and safe travel experience, the memory of which will last a lifetime.

If you are not ready to travel alone or can’t wait any longer for friends to be ready or able to go with you, Eat Drink Travel Group provides the solution. Group members can communicate to find roommates who often become lifelong friends. To make this process even easier, we often offer roommate matching for our international tours. This creates deep connections between members and eases the burden of paying the dreaded single supplement costs. Plus, they have someone to share their stories and experiences with. Solitary travel has its place, and with Eat Drink Travel Group, you’ll always be able to find time alone, but it is at least an equal joy to touch the shoulder of a great, new friend and say, “Wow, look at that!”

We follow strict zero plastic policy

We have reduced our direct carbon footprint

We work with small local businesses

We protect endangered species & wildlife

Rachel M

Eat, Drink, Travel is not just a travel group. Through monthly meetups, that are always welcoming and fun, Stephanie takes the time to familiarize herself with as many members as possible, and give members the opportunity to do the same. The trips are planned from her heart for adults of all ages, with all levels of travel experience. You will travel to amazing places and will open doors to life experiences that will never be forgotten. 

Tamika Simms

If you want an absolutely magnificent vacation on any budget, then you definitely want to book with Eat Drink Travel .I had the most amazing vacation experience jam packed with an itinerary full of cool places to see and things to do for a price I could actually afford. I was impressed and amazed each day! The services are worth so much more than the trip cost and the deals alone make it worth it! Book with Eat, Drink, Travel and you won’t regret a minute of your vacation!

Crystal Clear

Eat, Drink, Travel offers an array of scenic, beautiful, and varied vacations for people to enjoy. Both young and old. The tours offered are rich in cultural history of each country, and give you a bird’s-eye view of what life is like as a local. I have traveled with Eat, Drink, Travel to Columbia, Panama, Guatemala, and Chicago. Each vacation was fun-filled and enjoyable. I highly recommend Eat, Drink, Travel to get your travel fix.

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